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Designed for Longevity

Performance and sustainability are not mutually exclusive; it is our mission to demonstrate that innovative design, we can achieve both and better still push beyond current limits. We achieve this by designing for the user first, making performance the goal, we then take our garments and make them last, with a little help from you. We use materials that are tough, durable and easy to repair, designing them to look good season after season.

This is a long process, one we are committed to, as quality and utility are things we really don’t like to make compromises on. If there isn’t a sustainable solution available, we create one, always considering the combination of highest possible performance and environmental impact. We achieve this through our three-step design process:

A man sitting on a rock wearing an ARTILECT midlayer fleece.

At the core of what we do is a focus on supporting the human machine from the inside-out. Designed around the end user, means every piece we create will exceed expectations. Once we get the fit right, we then make sure it lasts.


Making fewer things that last longer is the ultimate sustainability platform. Our driving purpose is to deliver a performance experience while reducing long term waste. Every fabric technology we develop, or material we choose must have minimal impact on the environment, but still have the ability to take whatever wear and tear our users take them through. Making sure they look good and do the job season after season.


All the components we use are rigorously tested before we add them to our garments. Once they are part of the design they are tested again as part of the garment, revising and re-testing. By the time you set out for your next adventure, you can be confident that the garment will have already spent many hours alive in the world.

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